Sunday, October 28, 2007

Cuddy's Power

Who here just screamed when Cuddy put Foreman in his place? That is why I love that woman, she uses her power so well and doesn't piss anyone off in the process, except House once in a while. The flowers too. Didn't House put down three of them before he started handing them out? Maybe they're for Cuddy. I will cheer so hard if in the next episode there's a vase of pink peonies.

I can' t wait for the next episode. I just can't can't wait. House embarrassing Cuddy? I wonder what she's going to throw back. Can't wait! Predictions?


Sunday, October 21, 2007

Huddy Love List

I know there are these everywhere, but I want to know everything that you guys think of when you think about Huddy and all the reasons why you love them together. From their banter to their romance, list everything they've done that just scream MORE THAN FRIENDS!


Hello my fellow obsessive patients at Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. I created this blog because I support the House and Cuddy ship and that there's a lot to discuss about our two favorite doctors. This is my first blog so it might take a while for me to get this thing off the ground, but I'm going to try my best.

The Huddy relationship adds something new to squeal about almost every episode. So for every episode as soon as I see it I'm going to post a discussion about it and every one can over analyze like we all want to do.